Sunday, December 31, 2006

Can Obama Win Evangelical Votes?

Nicole Russell has an interesting post up on The American Thinker positing that Barack Obama may be able to make inroads with conservative evangelical voters who were sufficiently disenchanted with the GOP to stay home in large numbers in the 2006 Congressional elections. Russell's argument seems to be premised on the fact that Obama is young and charming, which has eeemingly endeared him to some evangelicals, and his willingness to speak openly about his faith, something of a new phenomenon for a Democrat candidate. Russell acknowledges Obama's very liberal record, but points out that he has largely been courting a bloc of evangelicals more interested in AIDS and poverty than abortion and gay marriage. As interesting as the theory is, and as appealing as I am sure the Democrat party finds the prospect of peeling away evangelical votes, I wouldn't bet too much on the likelihood of the outcome. Fact is, evangelicals, and many conservatives, deserted the GOP in 2006 because the GOP deserted the principles that got it elected in the first place. While the Rick Warren's of the world are no doubt happy to have Barack Obama sit on the dais at AIDS and anti-poverty get togethers, the likelihood that a guy with Obama's voting record - and make no mistake, it is very, very liberal - will successfully woo the evangelical rank and file, is virtually nil.

Ford, Reagan and the Conservative Uprising

Jonathan Martin has written a very interesting piece for National Review Online about the 1976 contest for the Republican presidential nomination between Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan. I remember well that primary season, and the convention in Kansas City in August of that year, as well as the excietment that Reagan seemed to generate. As Martin suggests, I believe that that primary battle did truly mark the end of the Establishment, moderate era in the GOP. The dwindling numbers of the so called moderates in the Republican ranks would seem to bear out that analysis. Ford is of course to be credited for his hard fought win over Reagan. Indeed, I expect that it is likely that the bitterness of that defeat left the conservatives all the more determined to finish the job in 1980, which we obviously did.

Aid and Comfort

Lest there be any doubt as to whose side the Democrat Congressional leadership is on, and whether that band of thugs wishes to see America win in the war on terror, the incoming leadership evidently plans to revisit the question of detainees rights. The ever reliable Arlen Specter apparently plans to join the party.

Mark Steyn on Saddam's Execution

The redoubtable Mark Steyn, as usual, makes some very cogent observations on the demise of the Butcher of Baghdad:

And to have convicted, sentenced and executed the dictator is a signal accomplishment for the new Iraq. When I was in Ramadi, west of Baghdad, shortly after the war, a young boy showed me his schoolbook. It was like my textbooks at his age - full of doodles and squiggles and amusing additions to the illustrations. With one exception: the many pages bearing pictures of Saddam were in pristine condition. Even a bored schoolboy doesn't get so careless that he forgets where not to draw the line. When the cowardly thug emerged from his hole, it was a rare moment: in the fetid stability of the Middle East, how often do you get to see a big-time dictator looking like some boxcar hobo and meekly submitting to a lice inspection by an American soldier?...

The reality is that, as long as he was alive, there was always the possibility that he would return. When a dictator has exercised the total control over his subjects that Saddam did, his hold on them can only end with his death.

Hat tip: Hugh Hewitt.

Happy New Year

Friday, December 29, 2006

President Ford, R.I.P.

I was away for a few days over the Christmas holiday, and wasn't able to post about this in a timely fashion. I would like to join the millions of Americans who are morning the death of former President Gerald Ford. He was a good a decent man who was thrust into the presidency at one of the most difficult times in our history. His steady hand and quiet integrity were a much needed balm after the last tumultuous days of the Nixon Administration. There is much that can and will be said about Gerald Ford the man, the politician and the president. For now, I would simply like to say thank you, sir. May you rest in peace.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Rudy in NH? He Should Save Himself the Trip

Apparently Rudy Giuliani, presidential aspirant, is visiting New Hampshire. He should save himself the trip. He has no prayer of being the Republican nominee in 2008. He is stridently pro-abortion and is pro-gay rights. I am certainly willing to commend him for his leadership in New York City after 9/11. But what segment of the Republican primary electorate does he appeal to, aside, perhaps, from the Log Cabin types (as if they have any influence whatsoever over the nominating process)? And we can safely assume that any mainstream Republican primary voter willing to credit Gioulani for his post-9/11 leadership is likely to find almost any other possible candidate, including John McCain. More palatable. My record for predictions of late might not be the best, but I will wager my last nickle that Rudy will NOT be the nominee.

Paleoconservative Primer

Bill Calhoun has presented this pretty good primer on paleoconservatism over at Capitol Hill Coffee House, explaining who paleos are and what they believe. In the aftermath of this year's Republican election debacle, there is a war for the soul of the party, and of conservatism, on the horizon, and its best to know and understand the players and competing philosophies.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Worst President Ever

David Horowitz takes down Jimmy Carter, the worst president and worst former presdient in our nation's history, over at

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Why Pennsylvania Voters, and All Americans, Will Regret Rick Santorum's Loss

Outgoing Senator Rick Santorm shows yet again that he is one of the few in Washington that really understands what is at stake in Iraq. One thing is, I think, for certain. Little Bobby Casey doesn't get it. And by the time that Bobby leanrs that he has to actually show up for this job, defeat may well be at hand. God speed, Senator Santorum.

Monday, December 11, 2006

General Pinochet, RIP

History will, I believe, be kind to General Pinochet. The human rights abuses are to be deplored and condemned. He saved Chile from far worse, however, halting, and then reversing. what would have doubtless been a rapid slide into a collectivist totaltitarian nightmare. When the people spoke, the General gave up the reigns of power peaceably. By that time a firm foundation for economic, and, indeed, politcal, freedom, had been laid. Chileans enjoy their freedoms today in n o small part to the efforts of Genral Pinochet. May he rest in peace.